word 1-10

word 1: paraphrase 改写,重说

Try to paraphrase the question before you answer it.

word 2: ostensible 表面的,假装的

The ostensible reason for his absence was illness.

word 3: digress 偏离,离题

His essay digress from the main subject.

word 4: uncanny 神秘的,离奇的

She bears an uncanny resemblance to Dido.

word 5: candor 坦诚,直率

I was surprised at his candor.

word 6: morose 郁闷的,坏脾气的

After weeks of futile job-hunting, he became morose.

word 7: adept 熟练的,擅长的

As a composer he proved himself adept at large dramatic forms.

word 8: saturated 饱和的,湿透的

The snack food market is largely saturated, and to grow.

word 9: pragmatic 实际的,实用主义的

Robin took a pragmatic look at her situation.

word 10: congenial 意气相投的,性格相似的

He is back in more congenial company.

word 11-20

word 11:capricious 善变的,任性的

He was accused of being capricious and undemocratic.

word 12: blatant 喧嚣的,公然的

It was a blatant lie.

word 13: obligatory 必须的,要求的

It is obligatory for all employees to wear protective clothing.

word 14: negligible 微不足道的

The cost was negligible.

word 15: adamant 坚定不移的,固执的

Eva was adamant that she would not come.

word 16: sporadic 零星的,分散的

Her attendance in school was sporadic.

word 17: vanguard 先锋,先驱

Students and intellectuals have been in the vanguard of revolutionary change in China.

word 18: concur 同意,一致

Local feeling does not necessarily concur with the press.

word 19: precociousness 早熟,提前成熟

Precociousness in a child may be a sign of above-average intelligence.

word 20: aloof 冷淡的,疏远的

The Emperor kept himself aloof from the people.