word 41-50

word 41: cantankerous 脾气坏的,爱争吵的

They are often obstinate and cantankerous, and as a result they are unwanted by their relations.

word 42: flippant 轻率的,无礼的

He was very flippant in parts of his speech and completely callous in other parts of it.

word 43: subjugate 征服,镇压

Nearly 1, 000 years have passed since we were conquered or subjugated by external force.

word 44: wry 扭曲的,歪斜的

It is characterized by a lot of wry humour, some of which had me spontaneously laughing aloud.

word 45: urbane 温文尔雅的,彬彬有礼的

Yet he proves to be far from the urbane wealthy gentleman they were expecting.

word 46: jargon 行话,术语

To sum up, this book is very clearly written and presented throughout, and refreshingly free of jargon and conceptual obfuscation.

word 47: prudent 谨慎的,节俭的

In other words, democratic responsibility requires that policy decisions are clearly defensible as being prudent and in the public interest.

word 48: inviolable 不可侵犯的,不可违返的

The condition would be inviolable, because every candidate would have the property.

word 49: commodious 宽敞的

More commodious quarters increased in cost.

word 50: proximity 接近,附近

He visited rural villages and witnessed how the different groups lived in close proximity to one another.